Pediatrics Orthopaedics




Rickets and osteomalacia are different terms for the same disease. Inadequate mineralization of bone in children is called rickets.

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Bow Legs

Genu varum is a condition which gives the limb an appearance similar to that of an archer’s bow. It is characterized by a deformity wherein the lower leg is arched inward as compared to the thigh’s axis. When a person suffering from bowed legs stands with his/her feet together, they’ll notice the presence of a distinct space between the lower legs and knees. The condition is very common in toddlers and seems to resolve itself as the child ages.

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Bow Legs
Genu Valgus


Genu Valgus

Genu varum is a condition which gives the limb an appearance similar to that of an archer’s bow. It is characterized by a deformity wherein the lower leg is arched inward as compared to the thigh’s axis.

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Osgood Sch-latter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease isn’t as technical as it sounds. It is basically a common cause of knee pain in growing adolescents. It is an inflammation of the area just below the knee where the tendon from the kneecap attaches the shinbone.

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Osgood Sch-latter Disease
Severs Disease


Severs Disease

Sever’s disease is a common cause of heel pain in growing children. It is caused by inflammation due to excessive force or overuse of the growth plate of the heel.

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Transient Synovitis Hip

Transient synovitis may sound scary but it isn’t. Transient means ‘lasting for a short while’. It is a condition characterized by impermanent inflammation in the hip joint. The inflammation results in pain and swelling.

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Transient Synovitis Hip



If you are a person who is into high-intensity sports, inflammation of tendons must be a common sight. The condition wherein inflammation or irritation of tendons occurs is known as tendinitis or tendonitis.

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