Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder Arthroscopy

The word arthroscopy comes from the amalgamation of two Greek words namely, ‘arthron’ which means joints in the body and the word ‘skopein’ which means to view or observe. In a nutshell, the word arthroscopy means to observe the joints in the body.

Shoulder arthroscopy thus means observing the shoulder joint in particular. The procedure is characterized by the insertion of a pencil-thin instrument into a small incision in the shoulder joint of an individual. The instrument so inserted contains a light and a camera that sends a magnified image of your shoulder joint to a computer screen. The image obtained is used by the surgeon to study the inside structures of your shoulder.


Once we have understood what shoulder arthroscopy really is, its time to understand when should the procedure be performed?


When is shoulder arthroscopy used?

Usually, when non-surgical treatments like physical therapy, rest and medications fail to cure a painful shoulder condition, your doctor may recommend shoulder arthroscopy. Shoulder arthroscopy can be used to treat these underlying conditions-

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Labral tears
  • Tendonitis
  • Arthritis
  • Multiple dislocations
  • Joint inflammation

Whether it is a non-surgical treatment that comes to your rescue, or shoulder arthroscopy, is a decision that your doctor should take, Vardaan hospital is the best source for advice on the appropriate treatment method suited for your situation.


What happens during shoulder arthroscopy?

Before going through the process of arthroscopy, one should be aware of the procedure that is followed while performing it. To start with, the patient is positioned so that the treatment takes place comfortably. Any hair, if necessary, is removed and an antiseptic solution is spread over the shoulder to clean it. The treatment may involve providing local anesthesia so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain.

Once this is done, the surgeon may inject a fluid into the shoulder so as to inflate the joint. This eases out the process of observing the shoulder joint through the arthroscope. The arthroscope is inserted in your shoulder by making a small puncture. Fluids flow through the arthroscope to keep the view clear and control any bleeding. The images captured by the arthroscope are shown on the computer screen so that the surgeon can locate if there is any damage. Once the problem is identified, the surgeon may insert other tools to treat it by making small incisions.     


Risks from arthroscopy

Shoulder arthroscopy is a really safe procedure. But, nothing is all good when it comes to medical procedures. The treatment is open to some potential risks including- infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, damage to blood vessels and joint stiffness.

Before going through the procedure, one must discuss all possible risks in detail with their surgeon.


Benefits of Shoulder Arthroscopy

Shoulder arthroscopy is not just a safe procedure, but it comes with a number of benefits too. These include-

  1. Minimal scars
  2. Minimal pain and swelling
  3. Quicker functional recovery
  4. Fewer risks and complications
  5. Usually less painful


If you have a shoulder problem that is not responding to non-surgical treatments, then shoulder arthroscopy may be your blessing in disguise. In order to get personalized information for the same, it would be best if you talk to a surgeon oneself. At vardaan hospital, you can get detailed information on the procedure and personalized guidance at each step of your way to achieve strong and healthy shoulders.


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